Thursday, March 5, 2009

A night with the girls

The girls with their Uncle Mike

Mike drawing a house with Sadie

Last night Mike and I received a call from my sister Desi saying that she needed to take Asher to the ER. He was having a hard time breathing and they were getting worried. Of course Mike and I rushed over there to watch the girls while Desi and Ryan took their 1 month old baby to the hospital. He ended up only having a bronchial infection, which is a lot better than RSV or pneumonia, and was back home that night :) It was about 9:30pm when we got there so our job wasn't too hard, since all we needed to do was put the girls to bed. Mike drew pictures with Sadie and than let the girls lay on him while we watched Wall E. Mike is such a good uncle :) The girls were very good and went to bed when we told them to. We love them and had so much fun hanging out with them :)

1 comment:

Nick and Emily said...

Mikey is so good with kids. pretty sure that he is Isaiah's favorite uncle. every time he comes around Isaiah just perks right up. ..... so you know the word thing tha you have to type in to verify. it says miersemi. it made me laugh, it's kinda like "mercy me". ha ha.